the weakness of the Almighty
Think for a moment of the awesomeness of our Jehovah God. Here is the mighty King of the universe, the creator of heaven and earth, designer of the smallest organism, conqueror of the most magnificent planet that we mortals will never see, the knower of every thought and intent of every beating heart of every creature!
To say that he has a soft spot, or a weakness at all sounds, at the very least, abominable. But here me out for a moment.
Of all of those creatures, He chose the human race to be His chosen. Jesus chose us, these frail and volatile creatures, to be His bride. His bride!
To say that he has a soft spot, or a weakness at all sounds, at the very least, abominable. But here me out for a moment.
Of all of those creatures, He chose the human race to be His chosen. Jesus chose us, these frail and volatile creatures, to be His bride. His bride!
He sought us out, he came down to our level, lived among us, taught, healed, set an example, and ultimately died for us. A man will go to great lengths when he loves someone like that, and Christ demonstrated his love for us in that, as Paul reminded us, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
But He didn't even stop there!
- He gave us His Word, the living Text for us to know His heart.
- He gave us the Comforter in the form of the Holy Spirit to further instruct, convict, and provide support to our simple emotions and hearts.
- He promises to return to take us home to His heaven one day, where we will forever dwell with our God, our King, our Creator!
When you look at it, we're getting everything and what does He get out of it?! I pondered and pondered that and couldn't come up with an answer.
But then I realized I was asking the wrong question.
I desire to be one with Jesus because I love him. That's the only reason I should have.
He'll bless me, sure. He gives me promises that keep me going, of course. But when I begin worshiping and loving Him because of what he does, instead of Who He is, I've brought myself down to the level of a child hanging out with someone because of their really neat toys.
Do we realize the power that we have as the fiancé of the Lord Jesus Christ? The relationship that He has already demonstrated that He wants to have?! In His love he doesn't force me into it, but he's ready when I am!