thoughts of a warrior on assignment in a place called Earth

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

i return... again

After a pretty long sebatical from most things computer related, I have indeed made another appearance in the blogging community. Have you noticed the obsession that many have with blogs and myspace-related stuff? It's almost like there is this entire community of people that live in someone else's blog. Their life is chained to someone else's supposed life. This blog is not for posers.

Ultimately my goal in life is to be a dedicated Christian, student, leader, brother, son, boyfriend, etc- and not necessarily in that order. Surely there are many other Christians, students, etc. that are trying to do the same. Since all of us are struggling in different areas, reading notes along the way could really help.

So that's what this blog is for- not to draw a following of people addicted to whatever I may portray as my life here, but to learn from my (many) dumb mistakes and goodness! not repeat them.

Oh, and there will not be links  on this site that are along the lines of said posers. Occasionally I find a blog of someone that really has their head on straight, and so I may throw their link in my site here, read them for what their worth, I obviously don't endorse every word that they write.